Quadri della Passione



Music by: Gianmario Liuni

Narrator:: Cesare Cavalleri

Piano: Gianmario Liuni

Percussion: Elio Marchesini


Registered in Cesano Boscone (Mi) - March 29th, 2011

Ed. Ares CC 2011 



This project combines poetry and music in a way that this is not simple background music, but an emotional comment of the poem that provides a vibrant and touching elaboration of the same. It is a project of religious contemplation expressed through the voice of a great poet and channeled through the music.

The idea came from a rhythmic translation by Cesare Cavalleri (Director of the Ares Publishing House and Studi Cattolici) of a poem by José Miguel Ibànez Langlois, “Il libro della Passione" (Publisher: Ares). After we met, he asked me to write music that would serve as a musical commentary for his reading of several poems from the book. His reading is measured, precise, passionate, moving and, above all, “theological”: it is the reading of someone who understands the meaning of his words, which triggers a profound emotion that touches the heart of the Mystery. The project titled “Quadri della Passione” was presented on several occasions and always received excellent reviews. Afterwards, a CD with the same name was recorded and included with the third edition of the book.

The work is a re-enactment of the Passion of Christ in poetic form. The theme is particularly difficult and does not tolerate mediocrity, but the poem of this Chilean priest, a member of the International Theological Commission created by John Paul II, hits the mark and gives an exalted and enthralling view based on solid theology. It is a true masterpiece that remains a memorable and fundamental point of reference.

For the fourth edition of the book“Il libro della Passione”, the “Quadri della Passione” CD, included with the book, was revised and updated. Excerpts were added of the poem read by Cesare Cavalleri, accompanied by my new compositions that I performed on piano with the participation of Elio Marchesini on percussion.

Several performances of  "Quadri della Passione"

March 28th, 1998 - Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio – Milano 

April 19th, 2000 - Casa della Luce – Fondazione il Fiore – Firenze

August 22nd, 2000 - Meeting di Rimini

March 23rd, 2001 - Istituto scolastico Faes Argonne - Milano

March 29th, 2001 - SS. Nome di Maria – Milano

March 9th, 2002 - Chiesa del Buonconsiglio – Città di Castello (PG)

March 15th, 2003 - Residenza Albini – Bergamo

April 13rd, 2003 - Teatro nuovo – Verona

April 18th, 2003 - Basilica di San Babila – Milano

March 31st, 2004 - Chiesa Parrocchiale di Ponte Buggianese (Lucca)

April 7th, 2006 - Sala Consiliare - Casazza (BG)

April 10th, 2006 - Chiesa del Monastero Matris Domini - Bergamo

March 29th, 2007 - Residenza universitaria delle Peschiere - Genova

April 3rd, 2009 - Residenza universitaria Milano Accademia - Milano

April 7th, 2009 - Idea Sesto Piu' - Sesto San Giovanni

April 15th, 2011 - Chiesa di San Benedetto - Brindisi

May 12th, 2011 - Villa Clerici - Milano 

The project was always much appreciated as a meditation on the Passion of Christ during Lent, which is the perfect period for the performance.

Gianmario Liuni